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Introduction to Business Communication & PR

Watch the recording of the the guest Talk by Bryce & Eleanor, communication specialists at TERN's social mission partners Atomico

Presentation Slides

Review the slides used in the presentation by Bryce & Eleanor.

🗣️ GUIDE: Do-It-Yourself Public Relations (PR)

So, you want to use PR (Public Relations) to tell more people about your business? But PR can be expensive! 🤑 💸 Without a staff member in charge of PR, without support from an agency or money to spend on advertising, it can feel difficult to get the attention that your business wants, needs & deserves. 😊 Don't worry- This guide will help you hack your way to PR glory!

This guide will show you:

🧐 First, what is PR and why does it matter?

In a nutshell, PR (Public Relations) is all about how you communicate externally to your stakeholders (customers, investors, future employees, general public). It’s what people say about you- compared to what you say about yourself. The smaller the gap is between these two narratives, the better!

When someone other than you says something about your business, it is makes it more believable to others, because that third party is not necessarily trying to sell your product or make your business look good. Validation from others is very important for building a brand that customers can trust.

PR can involve:

📖 Define your story...

Your friends ask you about your business, your story is the answer that you give them!

When you explain the business you’re building, you usually talk about: