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This page gives inspiration for websites according to industry


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We know that each industry type makes a slightly different site, so use the list below to find different websites that are within your industry for inspiration.

Customers are looking for a specific type of site depending on what exactly your industry is. You are going to have a different feel to a website which is of food, than one which is selling dresses to a website which is a charities.

Consider what is similar amongst all the sites in your specific industry and what is different. What inspires you about these sites? What do you like about them? What do you not like about them? What do you want to do in a similar way and what do you want to totally change?

This website is a great place to search for inspiration specific to your industry. We have picked a few examples for you below that we think are useful for inspiration.

eCommerce Website Design: Gallery & Tech Inspiration with 2000+ Shops


Original Modern Designs | Handcrafted Leather Goods | Made in Oregon

Genuine People

Modern Citizen

Accessories and Crafts

24 inspiring craft websites - Moonfruit Blog